Pro Tools vs. Logic Pro X: Which One Should You Pick?

October 19, 2021

Are you an audio professional trying to choose between Pro Tools and Logic Pro X? Look no further! We've conducted an unbiased comparison to help you make the best choice for your needs.

User Interface

Pro Tools has a clean and straightforward interface, making it easy to navigate. Logic Pro X's interface is more visually pleasing and customizable. Both DAWs offer a dark mode, which is a great option for those long studio sessions.

Audio Editing

Pro Tools is renowned for its editing capabilities. It offers advanced tools for audio editing, making it the preferred choice for professional sound editors. Logic Pro X also has impressive audio editing features, but not as extensive as Pro Tools.

MIDI Capabilities

If your project involves MIDI, Logic Pro X is the better choice as it offers more MIDI features, including a built-in MIDI environment. Pro Tools has MIDI editing capabilities, but not as comprehensive as Logic Pro X.

Plugins and Virtual Instruments

Both DAWs offer a vast array of plugins and virtual instruments. However, Logic Pro X has an advantage offering some exclusive plugins and instruments only found in Apple's DAW.


Both Pro Tools and Logic Pro X offer a subscription-based pricing model. However, when it comes to one-time purchase, Logic Pro X is significantly cheaper than Pro Tools.


Ultimately, choosing between Pro Tools and Logic Pro X is dependent on your needs as an audio professional. If you're mainly working with audio editing, Pro Tools is the better choice. However, if MIDI and virtual instruments are more important in your workflow, Logic Pro X should be your go-to DAW.

We hope that this comparison has helped you make an informed decision. And if you're still struggling, try both DAWs and see which one suits you best.


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